500000+ Books Gone? From The Internet Archive

The WayBack Machine is on archive.org It archives websites, audios, and books Read about how 500000+ books that were archived may disappear forever after a long legal battle
Fighting against more censorship. blog.archive.org/category/books-archive/
The live stream: hroughout this process, our patrons and supporters have asked how to help in this fight. Here are actions you can take to stand with the Internet Archive: 1. Watch the oral argument on Friday, June 28. The proceedings will be livestreamed starting at 10am ET. Join via ww2.ca2.uscourts.gov/court.html, Courtroom 1505. 2. Tell the publishers: Let readers read! We’ve created an open letter to the publishers<change.org/LetReadersRead>, asking them to restore access to the 500,000 books they’ve removed from our library. Add your signature today!<change.org/LetReadersRead> 3. Stay connected. Sign up for the Empowering Libraries newsletter<eepurl.com/haPS4T> for ongoing updates about the lawsuit and our library.

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