Living Better in Times of Chaos
Challenges such as stress, anxiety, illness and depression all contribute to a chaotic life. So how do you rid your life of the obstacles to your happiness and change it for the better?
Challenges such as stress, anxiety, illness and depression all contribute to a chaotic life. So how do you rid your life of the obstacles to your happiness and change it for the better?
The Little Mornings, by C M Albrecht is a murder mystery with 262 absolutely absorbing pages. We have three main characters here ? the grandfather, an alcoholic of questionable character, a slightly off balance woman (Angie) and an impressionable young man (Darcy) who becomes mixed up in a whirlwind of events.
Life Lines: Inspiration, Insight, and Wisdom for Daily Living is the first book by author Dave Meyer, husband of Joyce Meyers the reknowned Christian inspirational speaker. This 126 page devotional will certainly capture the interest of those who follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
“…One hundred breath-taking, intimate photographs of nature scenes have been included in this book. Beautiful shots of flocks of birds just taking off in flight, enchanting forests, stunning autumn color and incredible sunsets were enough to make me a fan of the book…”
This has to be one of the best detective novels I have read in some time ? right up there with Lawrence Sanders! P.J. Lawton is far from new to the world of writing and he displays excellent story-writing skills in Lethal Option…
What three things do the world’s most successful people share in common? They have their own definition of success, they know the personality qualities that drive them, and they’ve seized their defining moments.
This book invokes political scams and rich men?s schemes, harbored loves and dedications that control women?s lives – and my favorite of all themes ? the love and desire to protect the environment. I love the good verses evil scenario set out from the start. Here we have greed working against vengeance with the backdrop of romance and the need to do what is right. I was stunned to discover this is this author?s very first book. It is of excellent quality with writing skills I have seldom seen.
Now here?s a treat for dog-lovers! Author of multiple short stories for children, Jarod Twiford, has recently released his first children?s book, Kisho. This story line is unique and has an ending that readers will not see coming.
Some people get a charge out of doing their own home electrical work.
Jill 9 has a story line based around a psychologically disturbed female serial killer