Articles by peter

Being A Man

The life of a guy is not as easy as it looks. It’s not just about holding down a job or being a father figure to his kids. It’s throwing a football, grilling a steak, fixing things around the house and coaching sports teams. It’s telling jokes, playing golf and picking a beer. And it’s easy to get lost.

The Chaos Cycle – Book Review

The Chaos Cycle by John Kerchack is destined for the best sellers list! I couldn?t put it down and was quite frustrated when my life kept interrupting my reading sessions during the review process of this book. Honestly, my husband would talk to me and I wouldn?t even know it. He even made and served supper and I was scarcely aware of what had happened…

A Voice in the Night

Seventy-five pages of poetic thought on everyday life, including the author?s frustrations with shopping and solicitors, greet the readers of A Voice in the Night, by GeorgeAnne Smith…

Profit Shouldn’t Be a Dirty Word in Material Handling

With the economy on the mend, a lot of people in the material handling industry are expecting good times without having to make any changes in the way they do business. Unfortunately, that means the continuation of one particular practice that played a major role in getting the economy in trouble a few years back.

Professional Ethics

You have always dreamed of a good career, but when it comes to vital decision that needs to be made we start thinking over every step. This article will help you to realize how much a professional you are.

The Adventures of Willowby Went: Book Review

This is definitely a fantasy novel. Being a Tolkien fan, I found many days of enjoyable reading here in J.S. Harrison?s world. This is a place that is crowded with Fairies, Leprechauns, friendly Trolls and Ogres, Wizards, Knights, Dragons, Vampire assassins, large evil black rabbits and ghouls along with Men, Dwarves, Elves and Trofkins…