The Letter Writer: Book Review

I enjoyed reading this book. The characters were portrayed very well. Jack, a multimillionaire who experiences mid-life crisis and ends up finding meaning to his life ? but it costs him millions of dollars and emotional pain…

Book Review: Start Your Own Business

If you want to start a business, but don’t know where to start, then the place to start is with “Start Your Own Business: The Only Start-Up Book You’ll Ever Need” by Rieva Lesonsky. The book is put out by Entrepreneur Press and is essentially a compilation of Entrepreneur Magazine’s large knowledge database regarding starting a business.

What Investigative Reporting Entails

The field of investigative reporting involves bringing to the fore facts and figure that affect human interests and fair governance. This means conducting in depth research, looking at public records, doing extensive interviews, as well as checking and rechecking of facts before publication.

The Letter – Review

As a writer, I think The Letter must have been a very interesting challenge for author Roxanna Russell. This work of fiction is actually a collection of 14 short stories ? each revolving around some kind of letter…

Book Review: Now, Discover Your Strengths

Is your current job less than fulfilling? If so, you are by no means alone. It turns out, about 80% of us are mismatched or underutilized to the jobs that we undertake everyday. The book Now, Discover Your Strengths, by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton provide an inspiring ticket to escape the world of the mundane.

Trying to define criminal law

We hear about law everyday whether we realize it or not. It’s in our Government, in our work, and even in our houses. One type of law is Criminal law, which is also known as Penal law. This is “The body of statutory and common law that deals with crime and the legal punishment of criminal offenses.”

The Latent – book review

Marshall Frank, author of six books, has proved an exceptional ability to write absorbing who-dun-it?s time and time again. According to his website he is able to do this by embellishing on real life experiences during his 30-year career investigating homicides in the Miami-Dade region of Florida. In doing so he creates a realistic, action-packed, suspenseful detective story with his recent release, The Latent ? a fiction novel, that I found difficult to put down.

Book Review: Business Plan Secrets Revealed

The key to successfully starting any business is a good business plan. In his ebook, “Business Plan Secrets Revealed,” Mike Elia walks you through the business plan process step-by-step: from gathering the evidence you’ll use to build your plan to delivering your plan to qualified investors.

Titanic Precautions

Many movies have been made about the tragic story of the Titanic. Arrogance and ignorance was definitely present during its maiden voyage, which was Titanic?s last voyage.

The Jewish Pilgrimage – Book Review

The Jewish Pilgrimage by Geoffrey Hoffman is clearly written to inspire philosophical discussion. This book depicts the author?s personal journey to find some form of understanding about man, our various versions of God and how this effects society and the use of its knowledge. He debates moral issues and provokes deep thinking in several areas that will never leave my mind as I travel along my own road….