Don’t Go Alone – Book Review

This 284-page mystery thriller has twists and turns that will keep readers guessing right until the end. I was thinking about the book for days after I completed this review project. I knew it had to be read again from the moment I finished the last page.

Handsome, well-built Michael Bannagan is CEO and founder of a successful computer company ? he?s also a womanizer. Unaccustomed to hardship or a messy life, Michael is having a difficult time with his cold and beautiful wife. He?s been caught cheating, again (but he?s not the only one), and she wants a divorce. Out of the blue, he finds he is arrested for a murder he did not commit. All the clues point to Michael and he knows he is being set up ? but by whom, and by how many? Are they working together? And WHY?! After all, Michael has never done anything evil in his life.

Don?t Go Alone is a story of high-society – of limousines, kept wives and fancy homes. It is a story of passion and shame, of regrets and betrayal, mistakes and love? hate and revenge.

This is the third book by Margaret Lenois that I have had the pleasure of reviewing. She may very well be the next female author that we see on the best selling list!

ISBN#: 0-9771971-3-1
Author: Margaret Lenois
Publisher: Better Be Write Publishing

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