Bob the Dragon Slayer – Review
This very fun, exciting, fast-paced, warm novella – Bob the Dragon Slayer by Harry E. Gilleland Jr. ? was a great afternoon read. In only 99 pages, this poet and author takes readers on a glorious adventure…
This very fun, exciting, fast-paced, warm novella – Bob the Dragon Slayer by Harry E. Gilleland Jr. ? was a great afternoon read. In only 99 pages, this poet and author takes readers on a glorious adventure…
Perfect gift choice for working or family women between 40-60 years of age that enjoy humor books poking fun at aging.
…All the elements for a wonderfully mystical tale for youth, and for those with youthful minds are here in this novel. Haunting dreams, caring creatures of the forest, magical swords, a quest to defeat wickedness and free its captives along with humorous moments…
A provocative new book has caused people to take a closer look at the products they use every day.
What if that magical world of Arthur had really existed? What if we only had part of the story?
Consumers today are bombarded by a wide variety of anti-aging products for the body and face, whether they are simple cosmetics or surgical procedures. But the fountain of youth really just comes from better nutrition, one health expert says.
Scott Underhill takes readers on a stimulating, emotional ride in his book The Cranberry Bog, an environmental suspense novel. Environment Engineer, Jeff Ridge works for the Environment Protection Agency. He and his co-worker…
The life of a guy is not as easy as it looks. It’s not just about holding down a job or being a father figure to his kids. It’s throwing a football, grilling a steak, fixing things around the house and coaching sports teams. It’s telling jokes, playing golf and picking a beer. And it’s easy to get lost.
The Chaos Cycle by John Kerchack is destined for the best sellers list! I couldn?t put it down and was quite frustrated when my life kept interrupting my reading sessions during the review process of this book. Honestly, my husband would talk to me and I wouldn?t even know it. He even made and served supper and I was scarcely aware of what had happened…
Seventy-five pages of poetic thought on everyday life, including the author?s frustrations with shopping and solicitors, greet the readers of A Voice in the Night, by GeorgeAnne Smith…